1) IP Journal of Paediatrics and Nursing Science
IP Innovative Publication
IP Journal of Paediatrics and Nursing Science is a double-blind peer-reviewed, open access, quarterly journal that advances paediatrics research and nursing and serves as a guide for pediatricians who manage health and diagnose and treat disorders in infants, children and adolescents, evidence-based practice, improvement in nursing care, healthcare issues that informs nurses and other healthcare professionals globally through linking policy, research and development initiatives to clinical and academic excellence.
The journal publishes original research articles, short communication, review articles, case report related to pediatric subspecialties and nursing science i.e., adolescent medicine
2) Journal Of Pediatric Critical Care
IAP - Intensive Care Chapter
Journal of Pediatric Critical Care (JPCC) is an international, open access, peer-reviewed, bimonthly journal, an official publication of Intensive Care Chapter of Indian Academy of Pediatrics, devoted to pediatric intensive care in developing world. Journal was established in 2014. JPCC is indexed in Index Copernicus International world of journal with ICV (2018): 100.00 (Highest value for any Journal) and Crossref Metadata Search. Journal assures four to six weeks of peer review process and accepted articles are published within two months of acceptance. All process of publishing is free of charge....
3) Molecular and cellular pediatrics
Molecular and Cellular Pediatrics is an international and interdisciplinary open access journal publishing peer-reviewed articles on innovative research in pediatrics.
The focus and the topics of this journal cover research areas relevant to pediatrics including rare diseases, genetic diseases, gene therapy, cardiology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, genetics, immunology, infectiology, nephrology, neurology, oncology and hematology, pneumology, metabolism, neonatology and translational medicine in pediatrics.
Molecular and Cellular Pediatrics is dedicated to exchange and discussion of current molecular and cellular concepts in pediatrics. This includes frontline reviews on the latest developments, o...
4) Child neurology open
SAGE Publications Inc
Child Neurology Open (CNO) is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, open access forum for the most current information from clinical and investigative studies in the wide field of clinical pediatric neuroscience. Published articles come from a variety of disciplines, including child neurology, pediatric neurosurgery, pediatric neuroradiology, child and adolescent psychiatry, pediatric neuropsychology, developmental and behavioral pediatrics, and developmental neurobiology. Following careful peer review of submitted material, subsequent acceptance results in very rapid online publication and indexing in the major scientific publication databases.
Abstract & indexing
5) International journal of contemporary pediatrics
Medip Academy
International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics (IJCP) is an open access, international, peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research work in all areas of pediatric research.
The journal allows free access to its contents. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics is dedicated to publishing research in all aspects of health of infants, children, and adolescents. The journal has a broad coverage of relevant topics in pediatrics: General Pediatrics, Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine, Adolescent Medicine, Infectious Diseases, Vaccines, Allergy and Immunology, Gastroenterology, Cardiology, Critical Care Medicine, Developmental-Behavioral Medicine, Endocrinology, Hematology-Oncology, Nep...
6) Journal of pediatrics and neonatal care
MedCrave Group
Journal of Pediatrics & Neonatal Care (JPNC) is an international peer-reviewed open access journal which deals with the post-pregnancy problems and its solutions. This journal seeks to publish high quality papers on pediatric adolescent medicine, allergy and immunology, cardiology, critical care medicine, developmental-behavioral medicine, endocrinology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, gastroenterology, hematology-oncology, infectious diseases, neonatal-perinatal medicine, nephrology, neurology, emergency medicine, pulmonology and rheumatology. JPNC welcomes research papers, review articles, short communications, case reports, mini-review, opinions and letter to editors on latest ongoing research in...
7) Current treatment options in pediatrics
Current Treatment Options in Pediatrics aims to review the most important, recently published research on treatment in the field of pediatrics. By providing clear, insightful, balanced contributions by international experts, the journal intends to serve all those involved in the care of children of all ages.
Current Treatment Options in Pediatrics accomplish this aim by appointing international authorities to serve as Section Editors in key subject areas covering all the major medical and surgical disciplines in pediatrics. Section Editors, in turn, select topics for which leading experts contribute comprehensive treatment-focused review articles that emphasize new developments...
8) Comprehensive child and adolescent nursing
Taylor and Francis
Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing: Building Evidence for Practice , is an international peer-reviewed journal that contributes to the knowledge base of children’s nurses and other health care professionals who care for children in all health care settings.
Content topics appropriate for the journal include those related to all aspects of knowledge translation (evidence-based practice) into child health care practice. This includes:
• Original quantitative and qualitative research;
• Systematic reviews of the literature;
• Descriptions of processes/projects such as service evaluations and audits that have successfully translated knowledge into practice, includin...
9) Pediatric quality and safety
Wolters Kluwer
Pediatric Quality and Safety (PQS) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access, online periodical dedicated to providing healthcare professionals a forum to disseminate the results of quality improvement and patient safety initiatives that impact the lives of children from newborn to young adulthood. The journal expects to publish articles across a broad array of topics related to quality improvement including but not limited to QI methodologies and QI tool schools, QI related M & M, collaborative and network QI research, value and payment reform, population health, human factors helping to improve performance, guidelines and pathways, QI organizational structure, and QI education for staff and trainees.
10) Journal of pediatrics and pediatric medicine
SciAccess Publishers
The Journal of Pediatrics and Pediatric Medicine is an International peer-reviewed open access journal which aims to provide untainted and factual scientific information for the healthy tomorrows of infants, children and adolescents. The Journal of Pediatrics and Pediatric medicine continues to promote the latest expansions in pediatric medicine, child health, policy, and support.
The Journal provides a link between concept and preparation in the field. Papers account key results of clinical and public research, and considerations of programme development.
The journal is planned in such a way that it helps pediatricians to keep their subject knowledge up-to-date regarding various pediatric disorders.&...
11) JMIR pediatrics and parenting
JMIR Publications
JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting (JPP) journal is published by JMIR Publications. JPP has a unique focus on technologies, medical devices, apps, engineering, informatics applications for patient/parent education, training, counselling, behavioral interventions, preventative interventions and clinical care for pediatric and adolescent populations or child-parent dyads. JPP recognizes the role of patient- and parent-centered approaches in the 21st century using information and communication technologies to optimize pediatric and adolescent health outcomes.
As an open access journal, IJPP read by clinicians, patients, and parents caregivers alike. We, as all journals published by JMI...
12) The Journal of Pediatrics
Elsevier Publication
The Journal of Pediatrics is an national and international peer-reviewed journal that advances pediatrics research and serves as a practical guide for pediatricians who manage health and diagnose and treat disorders in infants, children, and adolescents.
The Journal publishes original work based on standards of excellence and expert review. The Journal seeks to publish high quality original articles that are immediately applicable to practice (translational research, basic science, evidence-based medicine), brief clinical and laboratory case reports, expert commentary, medical progress, grand rounds, “classic”...
13) The lancet child and adolescent health
Elsevier Publication
The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health is a monthly print and online journal in The Lancet's growing family of specialty journals.
The journal publishes any original research or evidence-based review that will directly impact clinical practice or child health across the disciplines of general paediatrics, adolescent medicine, child development, or any paediatric subspecialty.
The journal will consider any contribution that advocates change in, or illuminates, clinical practice in these particular areas.
The journal publishes a range of article types including Articles, Reviews, Viewpoints, Clinical Pictures, Comments, and Correspondence. Manuscripts must be solely the wo...
14) Indian Journal of Child Health
Atharva Scientific Publications
Indian Journal of Child Health (IJCH) is a monthly, international, peer-reviewed journal published by Atharva Scientific Publications, Bhopal, India.
IJCH is both online and print, open access journal and it allows free access to its contents and permits authors to self-archive the final accepted version of their articles.
The journal publishes articles covering various aspects of child health including basic research and clinical investigations in different fields of pediatrics covering perinatal and neonatal to adolescent age group.
15) International Journal of Pediatrics
Mashhad University of Medical Sciences
International Journal of Pediatrics is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles, review articles, and clinical studies in all areas of pediatric research.
The journal accepts submissions presented as an original article, short communication, review article, systematic review, case report or letter to the editor.
IJP is indexed in:
ISI Web of Science,
Chemical Abstract,
National Library of Medicine(NLM),
16) Indian Pediatrics
Indian Pediatrics (IP), the official publication of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP), is indexed by leading international services including Index Medicus. The journal began publication in 1963. Indian Pediatrics has a permanent Editorial Office situated at New Delhi, India. It is published monthly and has a current circulation of print/e-copies about 28,000. Indian Pediatrics is provided complimentary to members of the IAP and on subscription to individuals and institutions. The journal gives priority to reports of outstanding clinical and experimental work as well as important contributions related to common and topical problems in India and the developing countries (see information for authors)....
17) Academic Pediatrics
Elsevier Publication
Academic Pediatrics, the official journal of the Academic Pediatric Association, is a peer-reviewed publication whose purpose is to strengthen the research and educational base of academic general pediatrics. The journal provides leadership in pediatric education, patient care, research and advocacy. Content areas include pediatric education, injury, emergency medicine, abuse, behavioral pediatrics, child health services, holistic medicine and health policy,and the environment.
The journal provides an active forum for the presentation of pediatric educational research in diverse settings, involving medical fellows, students, residents and practicing professionals. The journal als...
18) Indian Journal of Pediatrics
Indian Journal of Pediatrics (IJP), is an ofï¬cial publication of the Dr. K.C. Chaudhuri Foundation. The Journal, a peer-reviewed publication, is published twelve times a year on a monthly basis (January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December), and publishes clinical and basic research of all aspects of pediatrics, provided they have scientific merit and represent an important advance in knowledge. The Journal publishes original articles, review articles, case reports which provide new information, letters in relation to published articles, scientific research letters and picture of the month, announcements (meetings, courses, job ad...
19) IP International Journal of Medical Paediatrics and Oncology
IP Innovative Publication
IP International Journal of Medical Pediatric and Oncology It is formerly known as (IJMPO) is an interdisciplinary journal at the interface of Pediatric and Oncology, including the pediatric surgery, clinical and experimental surgery related to children, oncology surgery.
The Journal covers studies related to pediatric and oncology including bone marrow transplantation, cancer survivorship program, coagulation laboratory, hemophilia, and other blood diseases, hematologic disorders, oncology treatment, sickle cell anemia, and a ...
20) Annals of Pediatric Cardiology
Medknow publication
The Annals of Pediatric Cardiology is being launched with the idea of providing a common platform for presenting data and expressing views for members of the following specialties viz. cardiology, cardiac surgery, anesthesiology, intensive care as well as more basic disciplines of pathology, molecular biology and genetics. We would also like this journal to be a medium for discussing related issues like medical education, paramedical training, healthcare costs, human resources, medical practices in economically challenged countries, ethics in medicine and so on. We plan to publish a teaching series on clinico-morphological correlation and hemodynamic rounds for post graduates and fellows in Pediatric Cardiology
21) African Journal of Paediatric Surgery
Medknow publication
Vision AJPS aims to be the foremost African periodical on Paediatric Surgery, dedicated to the promotion of research, post-graduate training and further education in the surgery of newborns, infants and children.
Mission Statement
To serve as a medium for continued surgical education and qualitative scientific publications on paediatric surgery, enhancing exchange of evidenced-based information on the best surgical practice that will ultimately improve the health of children.
AJPS welcomes and accepts clinical and laboratory-based research manuscripts relating to all aspects of paediatric surgery. It is also a medium for publicizing meet...
22) Journal of Pediatric Neurosciences
Medknow publication
Journal of Pediatric Neurosciences-JPN (ISSN 1817-1745) is official publication of the Indian Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery. The journal is published Quarterly.
Abstracting and Indexing Information
The journal is registered with the following abstracting partners:
Baidu Scholar, CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure), EBSCO Publishing's Electronic Databases, Ex Libris – Primo Central, Google Scholar, Hinari, Infotrieve, National Science Library, ProQuest, TdNet, Wanfang Data
The journal is indexed with, or included in, the following:
EMBASE/ Excerpta Medica, Emerging Sources Citation Index, Indian Science Abstracts, PubMed Central, S...