Patrick Obunga

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1. Patrick ouma obunga

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Sti in water services provision

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Assessing deployment of science, technology & innovation in catalysing sustainable water services provision in nairobi city county, kenya: case of soweto kayole jisomee mita

Author : Patrick ouma obunga

Keyword : Sti in water services provision

Subject : Engineering research

Article Type : Original article (research)

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Assessing deployment of science, technology & innovation in catalysing sustainable water services provision in nairobi city county, kenya: case of soweto kayole jisomee mita QR Code

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Abstract : More than 40% of Kenya’s population depend on unimproved water sources and water and sanitation challenges are prominent in the informal settlements characterised by poor infrastructure of piped water. Deploying STI interventions can help residents of Nairobi City County and NCWSC with more efficient, innovative, and profitable water services provision. The purpose of the study was to assess the successes and challenges of deployment of STI in catalysing sustainable water services provision, water services infrastructure development, utilization and management in Soweto Kayole and appropriate recommendations for possible adoption and uptake of the emerging innovations and technologies for improved and efficient management of water services provision. The overall objective of the research proposal was to assess the level of deployment of STI in catalysing sustainable water services provision in Nairobi City County, Kenya: Case of JM in Soweto Kayole. There were five specific objectives under this study: to assess the status of water services provision; to identify the on-going and potential STI applicable in the urban water services provision; to investigate STI infrastructure for water services development, utilization and management; to identify the current challenges hindering adoption and uptake of STI in improving sustainable management of water services and access; and to assess the strategies in place for mainstreaming best practices in STI interventions into national water sector development policies and frameworks. The researcher used a descriptive survey design and analysis, where questionnaires were used to collect data. It relied on a qualitative approach capturing detailed information about the perceptions and dominant narratives on the role and impact of deployment of STI for instance impacts of IoT, AI & ML in accelerating progress toward meeting SDG 6. 320 residents including 10 landlords from Soweto Kayole were interviewed in addition to 7 staff from

Article by : Patrick Obunga

Article add date : 2021-07-17

How to cite : Patrick ouma obunga. (2021-July-17). Assessing deployment of science, technology & innovation in catalysing sustainable water services provision in nairobi city county, kenya: case of soweto kayole jisomee mita. retrieved from