Dr.Abhishek Lachyan

(Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

Author Details

1. Abubakar mannir
2. abhishek. s. lachyan
3. naveen. h. simon

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Short communication: systematic review on assess the knowledge, attitude, and practice of nutrition

Author : Abubakar mannir, abhishek. s. lachyan, naveen. h. simon

Keyword : Nutrition, undergraduate

Subject : Community medicine

Article Type : Short communication

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Abstract : There have been considerable changes in human lifestyle world-wide and India in the recent decades. Especially in recent years, the Indian lifestyle has rapidly been industrialized. This has caused changes in diet, types of food, cooking time; these findings might help health educators and policy makers to promote and to develop healthy dietary attitudes and practices. Interventions targeting university students seem to be necessary to expand the knowledge on healthy dietary behaviours regarding three main topics of organizing and preparing healthy meals, nutritional recommendations and food labels. According to our review, we believe that students should focus more on nutrition. Students' time in university is a golden opportunity for learning, and it has the ability to enhance students' nutrition knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours. As a result, the importance of nutrition in different university curriculum content, as well as an improvement in the learning atmosphere related to nutrition, should be emphasised on college campuses.

Article by : Dr.Abhishek Lachyan

Article add date : 2021-05-06

How to cite : Abubakar mannir, abhishek. s. lachyan, naveen. h. simon. (2021-May-06). Short communication: systematic review on assess the knowledge, attitude, and practice of nutrition. retrieved from https://www.openacessjournal.com/abstract/719