Manda SanthoshKumar

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1. Dinesh sr

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Novel method for sql injection prevention

Author : Dinesh sr

Keyword : Sql injection

Subject : Computer science

Article Type : Original article (research)

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Article File : Full Text PDF

Abstract : Web security is a set of procedures, practices, and technologies for protecting web servers, web users, and their surrounding organizations. Security protects you against unexpected behavior. Most web applications have critical bugs (faults) affecting their security, which makes them vulnerable to attacks by hackers and organized crime. To prevent these security problems from occurring it is of utmost importance to understand the typical software faults. Applications written with strong typed languages have a smaller number of reported vulnerabilities and exploits. We had to consider more strong typed applications to obtain a fair amount of vulnerabilities when compared to the weak typed. According to our findings, weak typed are the preferred targets for the development of exploits. We also observed that a single fault type was responsible for most of the security problems analyzed. The most relevant fault types analyzed were thoroughly detailed providing enough information for the definition of vulnerability fault models. The proposed methodology allows gathering the information on common mistakes that developers should avoid. To understand how these vulnerabilities are really exploited by hackers, this paper also presents an analysis of the source code of the scripts used to attack them. The outcome can be used to train software developers and code inspectors in the detection of such faults and the Digital signature is generated to avoid such attacks.

Article by : Manda SanthoshKumar

Article add date : 2021-04-08

How to cite : Dinesh sr. (2021-April-08). Novel method for sql injection prevention. retrieved from