Field pea (pisum sativum l.) seed system analysis in enarj enawuga and yilmana densa districts, west amhara region, ethiopia

Author : Yenus alia, firew mekibibb and zewdie bishawc abenefit-realise project woldia university cluster, seed expert, woldia, ethiopia; bschool of plant sciences, college of agriculture and environmental science, haramaya university,ethiopia; cseed sec

Keyword : Adoption; extension, formal sector, informal seed sectors and integrated field pea system, supply

Subject : Agronomy

Article Type : Original article (research)

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Field pea (pisum sativum l.) seed system analysis in enarj enawuga and yilmana densa districts, west amhara region, ethiopia QR Code

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Abstract : The productivity of field pea is low in Ethiopia though the crop has high demand for both local and export markets. The low productivity mainly due to the un availability of quality seed supply system for limited number of improved varieties. Therefore, this study was conducted to understand the functioning of field pea seed system in Enarj Enawuga and Yilmana Densa districts during 2016/17 cropping season. Multi stage purposive and random samplings were employed to select a total of 200 farmers from six kebeles and interviewed using pretested structured questionnaire. The study revealed that 96.7% of field pea area was planted with local varieties showing low adoption of improved varieties. Too low weeding and storage protection practice were also observed at Yilmana Densa than Enarj Enawuga district due to a relative poor extension service provided. Currently, the field pea seed system is dominated by the informal sector and a very wide gap exists between the demand and supply of quality seed of improved field pea varieties. This suggested the need to strengthening extension service to promote the adoption of improved field pea varieties and an integrated field pea seed system is needed to be in place to address the seed delivery system in the future.

Article by : Yenus Ali

Article add date : 2021-03-19

How to cite : Yenus alia, firew mekibibb and zewdie bishawc abenefit-realise project woldia university cluster, seed expert, woldia, ethiopia, bschool of plant sciences, college of agriculture and environmental science, haramaya university,ethiopia, cseed sec. (2021-March-19). Field pea (pisum sativum l.) seed system analysis in enarj enawuga and yilmana densa districts, west amhara region, ethiopia. retrieved from