Jerlin Elza Joseph

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1. Jerlin elza joseph
2. jidin a jawad
3. neethu anand

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Diabetes mellitus
cost effective analysis

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Cost effective analysis of metformin plus glimepiride plus voglibose compared with glicazide plus metformin plus voglibose in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients

Author : Jerlin elza joseph, jidin a jawad, neethu anand

Keyword : Diabetes mellitus, cost effective analysis, glimepride, glicazide, metformin

Subject : Diabetes

Article Type : Original article (research)

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Cost effective analysis of metformin plus glimepiride plus voglibose compared with glicazide plus metformin plus voglibose in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients QR Code

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Abstract : ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Costly treatment in chronic lifelong diseases like diabetes mellitus imposes a substantial economic burden on the society. In a developing country like India making the treatment affordable to everyone irrespective of their socio-economic status is essential. Cost- effectiveness analysis helps in identifying the treatment that represents the best outcome for the rupee spent AIM: To assess and compare cost effectiveness of Metformin plus Voglibose plus Glimepride and Metformin plus Voglibose plus Gliclazide METHODS: A prospective observational randomised comparative study was conducted for a period of six months across 2 diabetes centres. Out patients who consented to participate in the study were asked questions relevant to the study. The data collected were recorded in a data collection form and follow up was conducted after 3 months. The data was subjected to descriptive analysis using two independent sample t-test. With the results, cost effectiveness analysis was performed RESULTS: Out of 109 patients, 58 (53%) were on glimepiride plus metformin plus voglibose therapy (group 1) and 51 (47%) were on gliclazide plus metformin plus voglibose (group 2). In group 1 the mean cost for reducing unit HBA1C was found to be 322.9, mean cost for reducing unit FBS was 73.12 and the mean cost for reducing unit PPBS was 5.24 . In group 2 , the mean cost for reducing unit HBA1C was 480.5 , the mean cost for reducing FBS was 35.16 and the mean cost for reducing unit PPBS was 94.90. CONCLUSION: Cost effectiveness analys showed that the mean cost for reducing unit HBA1C and PPBS in glimepiride plus metformin plus voglibose group was less than that in the gliclazide plus metformin plus voglibose group. Whereas reduction in FBS was significantly less in the latter compared to the former.

Article by : Jerlin Elza Joseph

Article add date : 2021-01-07

How to cite : Jerlin elza joseph, jidin a jawad, neethu anand. (2021-January-07). Cost effective analysis of metformin plus glimepiride plus voglibose compared with glicazide plus metformin plus voglibose in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. retrieved from