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Top 20 Energy JournalsTop 20 Energy Journals

Energy Journals List

1) Nano Energy

Publisher Elsevier Publication

Nano Energy is a multidisciplinary, rapid-publication forum of original peer-reviewed contributions on the science and engineering of nanomaterials and nanodevices used in all forms of energy harvesting, conversion, storage, utilization and policy. Through its mixture of articles, reviews, communications, research news, and information on key developments, Nano Energy provides comprehensive coverage of this exciting and dynamic field which joins nanoscience and nanotechnology with energy science. The journal is relevant to all those who are interested in nanomaterials solutions to the energy problem. Description: Nano Energy publishes original experimental and theoretical...

2) Nature Energy

Publisher Nature Publishing Group

Nature Energy is a monthly, online-only journal publishing the best research on energy, from its generation and distribution to the impacts energy technologies and policies have on societies. All editorial decisions are made by a team of full-time professional editors.   Aims & Scope Aims The provision of energy is a key issue at the heart of modern society: where do we get it from, how do we use it, and is there enough of it for what we want? Our growing thirst for energy must either be matched by supply or else adapted to meet it. Tackling these challenges is an essential part of many fields of research — both in the natural and soc...

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