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List of Genetics JournalsList of Genetics Journals

1) Cell Stem Cell

Publisher Cell Press

Cell Stem Cell is a broad-spectrum journal that covers the entire spectrum of stem cell biology. Topics covered include embryonic stem cells, pluripotency, germline stem cells, tissue-specific stem cells, stem cell differentiation, epigenetics, stem cell genomics and systems biology, genome reprogramming, cancer stem cells, stem cell niches, stem-cell-based disease models, nuclear transfer technology, bioengineering, drug discovery, in vivo imaging of stem cells, therapeutic applications, regenerative medicine, clinical and translational insights, stem cell research policies, ethical issues, and technical or resource-based innovations. We will consider studies from any model system that provides insights into stem cell biology, and ...

2) Molecular Cell

Publisher Cell Press

Molecular Cell aims to publish the best research in molecular biology. The journal covers core cellular processes, including: DNA replication, recombination, and repair  Chromatin biology and genome organization Transcription RNA processing and decay Non-coding RNA function Translation Protein folding, modification, and quality control Signal transduction pathways Cell cycle and checkpoints  Cell death Autophagy Metabolism ...

3) Cell Metabolism

Publisher Cell Press

Welcome and thank you for considering submitting your work to Cell Metabolism. Established in 2005, Cell Metabolism is the top research journal dedicated to publishing novel, impactful papers spanning basic to clinical metabolic research. We are interested in original research addressing the molecular mechanisms underlying physiological homeostasis and what goes awry in disease. The journal's mission is to provide the metabolic community a forum for the exchange of ideas and concepts and to promote cross-disciplinary research and collaboration. In line with this, we aim to publish work that is not only of exceptional significance within its field, but also of interest to researchers outside ...

4) PLOS Genetics

Publisher Public Library of Science

Genetics and genomics research has grown at a bewildering pace in the past 15 years. The techniques of these fields are being applied to a wealth of biological questions and experimental systems. PLOS Genetics reflects the full breadth and interdisciplinary nature of this research by publishing outstanding original contributions in all areas of biology. PLOS Genetics publishes human studies, as well as research on model organisms—from mice and flies, to plants and bacteria. Our emphasis is on studies of broad interest that provide significant insight into biological process or processes. Topics include (but are not limited to) gene discovery and function, population genetics, genome projects, co...

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