wos journals list

List of Cardiology Journals Impact factor rankingCardiology Journals Impact factor ranking

Cardiology journals ranking list

1) Canadian journal of cardiology

Publisher Elsevier Publication

The Canadian Journal of Cardiology (CJC) is the official journal of the Canadian Cardiovascular Society (CCS). The CJC is a vehicle for the international dissemination of new knowledge in cardiology and cardiovascular science, particularly serving as the major venue for Canadian cardiovascular medicine. The CJC publishes original reports of clinical and basic research relevant to cardiovascular medicine, as well as editorials, review articles, and case reports. Papers on health outcomes, policy research, ethics, medical history, and political issues affecting practice, as well as letters to the editor, are welcomed. The CJC accepts and publishes articles in the English language only. Manuscripts are received with the understa...

2) Anatolian Journal of Cardiology

Publisher Kare Publishing

The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology As stated by Prof. Dr. Bilgin Timuralp, the first and founding editor of the journal, in his Editorial in the first issue of the Anatolian Journal of Cardiology, our aim is not only to be a good journal, but to publish a journal that is recognized as a good periodical by international judges and to have our publications and presentations reach an international audience. Also “The primary goal of the Anatolian Journal of Cardiology is to introduce the level of science reached in Turkish Cardiology to the global cardiological community”. Over the past 17 years, great care and efforts were devoted to this end, leading to the journal attaining an impact factor of 1.19 at present as a result o...

3) Cardiology Research

Publisher Elmer Press

Cardiology Research is an open access, peer-reviewed, international journal. All submissions relating to basic research and clinical practice of cardiology and cardiovascular medicine are in this journal's scope. This journal focuses on publishing original research and observations in all cardiovascular medicine aspects. Manuscript types include original article, review, case report, short communication, book review, letter to the editor.   Abstracting and indexing Worldcat, Google Scholar, PubMed and PubMed Central, EBSCOhost, Elsevier EMBASE, JournalTOCs, Thomson Reuters Emerging Sources Citation Index (ES...

4) Clinical Cardiology

Publisher Wiley

Clinical Cardiology provides a fully Gold Open Access forum for the publication of original clinical research, as well as brief reviews of diagnostic and therapeutic issues in cardiovascular medicine and cardiovascular surgery. The journal includes Clinical Investigations, Reviews, free-standing editorials and commentaries, and bonus online-only content. The journal also publishes supplements, Expert Panel Discussions, sponsored clinical Reviews, Trial Designs, and Quality and Outcomes.   Abstracting and Indexing Information Abstracts in Anthropology (Sage) Abstracts on Hygiene & Communicable Diseases (CABI) CAB Abstracts® (CAB...

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