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India Engineering Journals ListIndia Engineering Journals List

Engineering Journals List of India

1) International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology

Publisher Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication

International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) is having Online-ISSN 2249-8958, bi-monthly international journal, being published in the months of February, April, June, August, October, and December by Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication (BEIESP) Bhopal (M.P.), India since the year 2011. It is academic, online, open access, double-blind, peer-reviewed international journal. It aims to publish original, theoretical and practical advances in Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology, Electrical and Electronics Engineering...

2) IETE journal of research

Publisher Taylor and Francis

IETE Journal of Research is a bimonthly journal published by the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE), India. It publishes scientific and technical papers describing original research work or novel product/process development. Occasionally special issues are brought out on new and emerging research areas.  This journal is useful to researchers, engineers, scientists, teachers, managers, and students who are interested in keeping track of original research and development work being carried out in the broad area of electronics, telecommunications...

3) Journal of Construction Management

Publisher National Institute of Construction Management and Research

Journal of Construction Management - A Quarterly Journal Devoted to the study and practice of management in the construction industry, project engineering management, real estate, and infrastructure development sector. Its scope includes management of people, finances and technology; issues related to energy, conservation, informatics, and international trade & business; the fields of urban development, social and civic infrastructure and health, safety, welfare, productivity, quality, and related matters. The journal contains high-quality research articles that are of interest to both academia and the construction industry. The journal enjoys international stature. It reaches out to decision-makers in...

4) International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology

Publisher Fast track publications

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) is a peer-reviewed, open access, high Impact Factor, Multidisciplinary journal in English for the enhancement of research in various disciplines of Engineering, Science and  Technology. Prime Focus of the Journal is to publish articles related to the current trends of research. IRJET brings together Scientists, Academician, Engineers, Scholars, and Students of Engineering Science and Technology. Published by Fast Track Publications....

5) International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics

Publisher Springer

To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM), the International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics was launched by IITM in collaboration with Springer India. The International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics Journal accepts original and reviews articles that summarize the state of the art and provides a perspective on areas of current research interest. Each issue is dedicated to a specific area of engineering and applied mathematics. Peer Review Information: This journal follows a single-blind peer-review process. a) official publication of the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology Mad...

6) ADBU Journal of Engineering Technology

Publisher Assam Don Bosco University

The ADBU Journal of Engineering Technology (AJET) ISSN:2348-7305 is an International Online Journal in English published bi-annually (June-July and Dec-Jan) by Assam Don Bosco University, Guwahati, India. The objective of the Journal is to create a platform for researchers to publish their work in various thrust areas of Engineering and Technology. The aim of AJET is to publish peer reviewed research articles, short communications and review articles covering the latest innovative research findings in Engineering and Technology....

7) International journal of engineering research and applications

Publisher Self publishing

International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications - IJERA is an open access online peer reviewed international journal that publishes research and review articles in the fields of Computer Science, Neural Networks, Plastic Engineering, Software Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Food Technology, Textile Engineering, Information Technology, Nano Technology & science, Power Electronics, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Computational mathematics, Image processing, Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering, Environmental Engineering, VLSI Testing & Low Power VLSI Design etc. International Journal of Engineering Re...

8) International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering

Publisher Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication

IJRTE - International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (ISSN - 2277-3878) is bi-monthly international journal, being published in the months of January, March, May, July, September and November by Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication (BEIESP) Bhopal (M.P.), India since year 2012 and processed papers will be forwarded for inclusion in the SCOPUS database. It is academic, online, open access, peer reviewed international journal. It aims to publish original, theoretical and practical advances in Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunication, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineer...

9) International Journal of Engineering Research

Publisher Indianjournals

International Journal of Engineering Research (ISSN-2347-5013)  (IJER) is an open access journal intended to bring together the information in different areas of Engineering around the world.  Aim & Scope : The aim of International Journal of Engineering Research is to combine theory and practice in different areas of Engineering. It will provide a platform for academicians, researchers and engineers to share their experience and solution to problems in different areas of Engineering.   Subject areas suitable for publication include, but are not limited to the following fields:   Civil, Computer, Electrical, ...

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