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India Education Journals ListIndia Education Journals List

Education Journals List of India

1) International Journal Of Social Welfare And Management

Publisher Red flower publication

International Journal Of Social Welfare And Management has become evident that major social forces of a global nature - such as demographic trends, migration patterns and the globalization of the economy - are reshaping social welfare policies and social work practices the world over. There is much to be learned from the careful analysis of experiences in the various countries that are struggling with the emerging challenges to social welfare in the post-modern world. The Journal of Social Welfare and Management (ISSN 0975-0231) (Registered with Registrar of Newspapers for India: DELENG/2012/50859) seek to encourage debate about the global implications of the most pressing social welfare issues of the day. Its interdisciplinary approac...

2) Indian Journal of Law and Human Behaviour

Publisher Red flower publication

Indian Journal of Law and Human Behavior is a multidisciplinary forum for the publication of articles and discussions of issues arising from the relationships between human behavior and the law, the legal system, and the legal process. The journal publishes original research, reviews of earlier research results, and theoretical studies. Coverage spans criminal justice, law, psychology, sociology, psychiatry, political science, education, communication, and other areas germane to the field. Attracting contributors from around the world and addressing issues from a range of legal cultures, as well as theoretical concerns of a cross-cultural nature....

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