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India Chemistry Journals ListIndia Chemistry Journals List

Chemistry Journals List of India

1) Journal of biological chemistry

Publisher Elsevier Publication

The Journal of Biological Chemistry welcomes high-quality science that seeks to elucidate the molecular and cellular basis of biological processes. Papers published in JBC can therefore fall under the umbrellas of not only biological chemistry, chemical biology, or biochemistry, but also allied disciplines such as biophysics, systems biology, RNA biology, immunology, microbiology, neurobiology, epigenetics, computational biology, ’omics, and many more. The outcome of our focus on papers that contribute novel and important mechanistic insights, rather than on a particular topic area, is that JBC is truly a melting pot for scientists across disciplines. In addition, JBC welcomes papers that describe methods that will help scientists push their bioc...

2) Oriental Journal of Chemistry

Publisher Oriental Scientific Publishing Company

Oriental Journal of Chemistry is an open access, peer reviewed, bimonthly research journal of pure and applied chemistry. It publishes standard research articles in almost all thrust areas of current chemistry of academic and commercial importance. It provides a platform for publication of quality research articles, reviews and brief communications. Oriental Journal of Chemistry is abstracted and indexed in almost all reputed National and International agencies.   Oriental Journal of Chemistry is covering almost all thrust areas of chemistry with special emphasis to the emerging fields of current innovative chemistry, viz; Inorganic Chemistry Physical Chemistry Nano Chemi...

3) Research Journal of Chemical Sciences

Publisher International Science Community Association

International Science Community Association are publishing an international peer reviewed journal Research Journal of Chemical Sciences. It is the vision of International Science Community Association to publish research papers, research articles, review papers, mini review, case study and short commutations in all areas of human study without financial restriction.   Coverage Area: Analytical Chemistry, Astrochemistry, Atmospheric Chemistry, Biochemistry, Bioinorganic Chemistry, Bio-organic Chemistry, Biochemical Engineering, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Cluster Chemistry,

4) Journal of Chemical Sciences

Publisher Springer

The Journal of Chemical Sciences publishes original articles and rapid communications by Indian and other researchers, spanning topics in the chemical sciences. It was originally part of the Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences – Part A, founded by the Nobel Laureate Professor C.V. Raman in 1934. It was renamed Journal of Chemical Sciences, matching its present-day focus, in 2004. The journal presents original research articles and rapid communications, covering all areas of chemical sciences. A significant feature is its special issues, brought out from time to time, devoted to conference symposia/proceedings in frontier areas of the subject, held not only in India but also in other countries. It is published monthly by...

5) Asian Journal of Chemistry

Publisher Asian Publication Corporation

Asian Journal of Chemistry, a Multidisciplinary Chemistry Journal is an Peer Reviewed   International Journal and publishes from India. The journal has been established since   January 1989 on a firm foundation of International Quality Research. This Journal encompasses all branches of chemistry and its sub – disciplines like Pharmaceutical,  Biological activities of Synthetic Drugs, Environmental Chemistry, Biochemistry,  Polymer Chemistry, Petroleum Chemistry, and Agricultural Chemistry, etc. All papers are peer-reviewed and newly selected panels of international referees have been appointed to ensure that review is done rapidly and to the highest standards. Special topics will provide ac...

6) Indian Journal of Advances in Chemical Science

Publisher KROS Publications

Indian Journal of Advances in Chemical Science (IJACS) is  a peer-reviewed journal published quarterly under the erudite guidance of national and international experts culled from different fields of Chemistry and is produced by KROS Publications and Yogi Vemana  University. IJACS is an international research journal, devoted to promote research in all branches of the theory & practice in Chemical Science. IJACS publishes the recent advancements (manuscripts of research and review articles, mini-reviews, Notes/Short Communications) on the original work, either theoretical or experimental in the following areas; Analytical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry,

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