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Social sciences Journals, Publisher, Abbreviations

Pakistan social sciences review

The principal purpose of the journal is to publish scholarly work in different fields of Social Sciences. The research that is published may take a theoretical or speculative model as well as statistical and mathematical. Contributions are welcomed from all fields which have relevant and insightful comments to make about the social sciences....

European Journal of Public Health

The European Journal of Public Health (ISSN - 1101-1262) is a multidisciplinary journal in the field of public health, publishing contributions from social medicine, epidemiology, health services research, management, ethics and law, health economics, social sciences, and environmental health. The journal provides a forum for discussion and debate of current international public health issues with a focus on the European region. An annual subscription will bring you six issues full of refereed, original scientific articles, policy articles, reviews on major themes, editorials, commentaries, book reviews, news and letters, and announcements of forthcoming events. The European Journal of ...

International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies

The International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies (IJ-SSHS) - (ISSN - 1309-8063) is an open access, double-blind peer-reviewed, international journal published by Social Sciences Research Society in English. The scope of International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies - IJ-SSHS encompasses theoretical, empirical or policy oriented research articles, original research reports, reviews, short communication and scientific commentaries in the fields of social sciences, economics, business, management, law, political science, sociology, philosophy, ethics including both controversial and innovative...

International Journal of Social Science Studies

International Journal of Social Science Studies (ISSN 2324-8033) is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal, published by the Redfame Publishing. The journal is published Bimonthly in both print and online versions. The scopes of the journal include: Anthropology Archaeology Area Studies Communication Studies Criminology & Criminal Justice Cultural and Ethnic Studies Economics Education Geography History Law Linguistics Management Philosophy Political Science ...

The Social Science Journal

The Social Science Journal (ISSN- 0362-3319) is the official journal of the Western Social Science Association. The principal purpose of the journal is to publish scholarly work in the social sciences. The research that is published may take a theoretical or speculative model as well as statistical and mathematical. Contributions are welcome from all fields which have relevant and insightful comments to make about the social sciences. The journal also includes a Research Note section which is devoted to supporting scholarly research that is in progress. The journal has a well-established book review section which reflects the academic and intellectual diversity within the WSSA. While The Social Science Jou...

American Journal of Sociology

American Journal of Sociology - Established in 1895 as the first  U.S. scholarly journal in its field, the American Journal of Sociology (AJS) remains a leading voice for analysis and research in the social sciences. The journal presents pathbreaking work from all areas of sociology, with an emphasis on theory building and innovative methods. AJS strives to speak to the general sociological reader and is open to sociologically informed contributions from anthropologists, statisticians, economists, educators, historians, and political scientists. AJS prizes research that offers new ways of understanding the social. AJS offers a substantial book review section that identifies the most salient work of both em...

Chinese journal of sociology

SAGE Publications is delighted to partner with Shanghai University to publish the new English language edition of the Chinese Journal of Sociology, co-sponsored with the Paul and Marcia Wythes Center on Contemporary China. The first issue will be published in March 2015. The well-known sociologist, Professor Yu Xie, Bert G.Kerstetter '66 University Professor of Sociology and the Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies at Princeton University, is appointed as the Editor-in-chief. Associate Professor Xiulin Sun, School of Sociology of Shanghai University is appointed as vice chief editor. The Chinese Journal of Sociology (CJS) is ...

American Journal of Cultural Sociology

American Journal of Cultural Sociology - From modernity's onset, social theorists have been announcing the death of meaning, at the hands of market forces, impersonal power, scientific expertise, and the pervasive forces of rationalization and industrialization. Yet, cultural structures and processes have proved surprisingly resilient. Relatively autonomous patterns of meaning - sweeping narratives and dividing codes, redolent if elusive symbols, fervent demands for purity and cringing fears of pollution - continue to exert extraordinary effects on action and institutions. They affect structures of inequality, racism and marginality, gender and sexuality, crime and punishment, social movements, market success and cit...

Advances in applied sociology

Advances in Applied Sociology (AASoci) is an international journal dedicated to the latest advancements in applied sociology. The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of applied sociology. All manuscripts must be prepared in English and are subject to a rigorous and fair peer-review process. Generally, accepted papers will appear online within 3 weeks followed by printed hard copy. The journal publishes original papers including but not limited to the following fields: Application of Other Disciplines of Sociology Community Studi...

Journal of applied social science

The Journal of Applied Social Science (JASS) is the official, peer-reviewed publication of the Association for Applied and Clinical Sociology (AACS). JASS reflects more than 25 years of journal sponsorship by AACS and its predecessor organizations, the Society for Applied Sociology and the Sociological Practice Association. The Journal of Applied Social Science is the direct amalgamated successor of two previously published journals: The Journal of Applied Sociology and Sociological Practice: A Journal of Applied and Clinical Sociology. The Journal of Applied Social Science publishes research articles, essays, research reports, teaching notes, and book reviews on a wide range of topics of interest to the sociol...

Journal of Social Sciences

Journal of Social Sciences, a peer reviewed international journal that covers the fields of scientific knowledge and academic scholarship that study social groups and, more generally, human society. JSS is a quarterly publication also cover articles on extended fields of social science. Science Publications is constantly striving to provide authors with a hassle free publication process in which they focus primarily on the quality of their research content while our team takes care of the entire publishing procedure. We are always looking for innovative new approaches for easier accessibility and wider availability of our research. From January 2018, Journal of Social Sciences has ...

Mediterranean journal of social sciences

Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences publishes six issues per year in January, March, May, July, September and November. Social sciences to analyse and critique what’s going on and make choices that shape the future. Social science is not just important for the future but for what’s happening now. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences vision is to promote debate, analysis, and critics among the social sciences intellectual scholars. Its particular focus is on understanding how social sciences are embedded in the new millennium, and how the social sciences may help the society to solve the new global problems. Such understanding requires a careful analysis of social context, and a fundamental role to...

Journal of progressive research in social sciences

The Journal of Progressive Research in Social Sciences (JPRSS) is an International, open access, peer reviewed, online journal. JPRSS indexed with Cite Factor, Electronic journal Library EZB, SIS, Research bib, JournalTOCs, WEB Berlin Social Cornell University Library, Science Center, UNIVERSITAT BIBLIOTHEK abl LEIPZIG, BASE, Academic keys, ZB MED, Freie Universitt Berlin, Staats- und Universit tsbibliothek Fachbibliotheken, Wissenschaftskolleg ZU erlin, UNIVERSIBTAT LEIPZIG, ZB MED Search for Life Sciences,ZeElektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek,

The Russell Sage Foundation journal of the social sciences

RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal of original empirical research articles by both established and emerging scholars. It is designed to promote cross-disciplinary collaborations on timely issues of interest to academics, policymakers, and the public at large. Each issue is thematic in nature and focuses on a specific research question or area of interest. The introduction to each issue will include an accessible, broad, and synthetic overview of the research question under consideration and the current thinking from the various social sciences.   Abstract & indexing Clarivate Analytics E...

Journal of studies in social sciences

Journal of Studies in Social Sciences is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes papers in all aspects of Social Sciences and Humanities, including but not limited to: Anthropology, Archaeology, Criminology, Economics, Education, History, Linguistics, Communication studies, Political science, International relations, Sociology, Human geography, Psychology, and elements of other fields as well, such as Law, Cultural studies, Environmental studies, and Social work.  ...

Journal of methods and measurement in the social sciences

The Journal of Methods and Measurement in the Social Sciences (JMM) is an online scholarly publication focusing on methodology and research design, measurement, and data analysis – providing a new venue for unique and interesting contributions in these study areas which frequently overlap.   Focus and Scope The Journal of Methods and Measurement in the Social Sciences (JMM) publishes articles related to methodology and research design, measurement, and data analysis. The journal is published twice yearly, and features theoretical, empirical, and educational articles. JMM is meant to further our understanding of methodology and how to formulate the right que...

Journal of rural social sciences

The Journal of Rural Social Sciences (JRSS) disseminates research on rural issues inclusive of a broad range of disciplines, theoretical perspectives, and research methodologies. JRSS is refereed and published in open access online format. The Journal of Rural Social Sciences (JRSS), formerly Southern Rural Sociology (SRS), is designed to disseminate research on rural issues inclusive of a broad range of disciplines, theoretical perspectives, and research methodologies. JRSS is refereed and published in open access online format. JRSS is international and interdisciplinary in scope and content. JRSS welcomes original submissions from disciplines and specialty areas including, but not limited to: Rural...

European journal of research methods for the behavioral and social sciences

Methodology is the successor of the two journals Metodologia de las Ciencias del Comportamiento and Methods of Psychological Research-Online (MPR-Online). Methodology is the official organ of the European Association of Methodology (EAM), a union of methodologists working in different areas of the social and behavioral sciences (e.g., psychology, sociology, economics, educational and political sciences). The journal provides a platform for interdisciplinary exchange of methodological research and applications in the different fields, including new methodological approaches, review articles, software information, and instructional papers that can be used in teaching. Three main disciplines are covered: data a...

Pakistan journal of life and social sciences

Pakistan Journal of Life and Social Sciences (PJLSS) is published twice a year by The Elite Scientific Forum, Pakistan. Its scope is broad and international, covering a range of research areas including: Biology, Medicine, Agriculture, Environment, Public health and Allied Sciences. The material submitted should fall in the categories of Original articles, Short communications, Research notes, Case reports and Review articles.   Abstract & indexing Agricultural Economics Database  Plant Protection Database Agricultural Engineering Abstracts Postharvest News and Information Agroforestry Abstracts...

The American journal of Islamic social sciences

The American journal of Islamic social sciences Established in 1984, AJISS is a quarterly, double blind peer-reviewed and interdisciplinary journal, published by the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT), and distributed worldwide. The journal showcases a wide variety of scholarly research on all facets of Islam and the Muslim world: anthropology, economics, history, philosophy and metaphysics, politics, psychology, and law.   Abstract & indexing Discovery and Sociology Source Ultimate, ATLA (American Theological Library Association)’s Religion Database (ATLA RDB), and ProQuest’s Religion Database,...

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