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Plant breeding
Plant breeding Journals, Publisher, Abbreviations
The Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding is a periodical for the publication of records of original research in all branches of genetics, plant breeding and cytology, including human genetics, molecular biology and biotechnology, and other cognate sciences of sufficient importance and of such a character as to be of primary interest to the geneticist and plant breeders.
Indian Science Abstract,
National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) rating 2017: 6.28,
Thomson Reuters(Science Citation Index Expanded, BIOSIS Previews),
WOS Ranking (0.198),
EBSCO Discovery,
Journal of Nepal Agricultural Research Council is a peer reviewed journal published by Nepal Agricultural Research Council, NARC abbreviated as J. Nep. Agric. Res. Counc. publishes original (not published or submitted for publication elsewhere) research and review or feature articles written in English from all over the world in all aspects of agricultural research particularly in the fields of agronomy, plant breeding, horticulture (vegetable/fruit science, spices, beverages, floriculture), entomology, plant pathology, soil science, animal science (pasture and forage, breeding, nutrition, health),fisheries and aquaculture (warm, cool, cold water fisheries and aquaculture), agro-forestry, weed science, food science, seed...
Journal of Plant Science and Research gives open access to the current research and emerging scientific information pertaining to multidisciplinary areas of plant sciences like Botany, Agronomy, Plant Breeding, Plant Evolution, Plant Physiology, Plant Molecular Genetics, Seed Technology, Plant Cell Biology, Agriculture, Food, Cellular And Developmental Biology, Tissue Culture, Plant Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Biophysics, Systems Biology And The Interaction Of Plants With The Environment.
Aims & Scope
Topics covered in this Journal include, but are not limited to:
Ecology, Forestry, and Biodiversity
Integrated Pest Manage...