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PAGEPress Journals, Publisher, Abbreviations

Journal of public health research

The Journal of Public Health Research is an online peer-reviewed and Open Access scholarly journal in the field of public health science. The aim of the journal is to stimulate debate and dissemination of knowledge in the public health field in order to improve efficacy, effectiveness and efficiency of public health interventions to improve health outcomes of populations. This aim can only be achieved by adopting a global and multidisciplinary approach. The Journal of Public Health Research publishes contributions from both the 'traditional' disciplines of public health, including hygiene, epidemiology, health education, environmental health, occupational health, health policy, hos...

The American Economic Review

The American Economic Review is a general-interest economics journal. Established in 1911, the AER is among the nation's oldest and most respected scholarly journals in the economics profession and is celebrating over 100 years of publishing.   The May issue of the American Economic Review each year is known as "Papers and Proceedings". Selected papers and discussions of papers presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Economic Association are published along with reports of officers, committees, and representatives. The journal publishes 12 issues containing articles on a broad range of topics....

Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering (FESE) is an international journal for researchers interested in a wide range of environmental disciplines. The journal's aim is to advance and disseminate knowledge in all main branches of environmental science & engineering. The journal emphasizes papers in developing fields, as well as papers showing the interaction between environmental disciplines and other disciplines....

Frontiers of Physics

Frontiers of Physics, an international refereed journal, aims to summarize the latest and significant progress and highlight frontier achievements, hot topics and cross points in a variety of research fields in physics, such as quantum computation and quantum information; atomic, molecular, and optical physics; condensed matter physics, material sciences & interdiscipline; particle, nuclear physics, astrophysics and cosmology, and to provide a platform for communication and exchange of ideas among physicists in China and overseas. The journal publishes Reviews, Topical Reviews, Views & Perspectives, Research Highlights, and Research Articles....

American Economic Journal Macroeconomics

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics focuses on studies of aggregate fluctuations and growth and the role of policy in that context. Such studies often borrow from and interact with research in other fields, such as monetary theory, industrial organization, finance, labor economics, political economy, public finance, international economics, and development economics. To the extent that they make a contribution to macroeconomics, papers in these fields are also welcome....

Frontiers of Mathematics in China

Frontiers of Mathematics in China provides a forum for a broad blend of peer-reviewed scholarly papers in order to promote rapid communication of mathematical developments. It reflects the enormous advances that are currently being made in the field of mathematics. The subject areas featured include all main branches of mathematics, both pure and applied. In addition to core areas (such as geometry, algebra, topology, number theory, real and complex function theory, functional analysis, probability theory, combinatorics and graph theory, dynamical systems and differential equations), applied areas (such as statistics, computational mathematics, numerical analysis, mathematical biology, mathematical finance and the like) wil...

Frontiers of Earth Science

Frontiers of Earth Science publishes original, peer-reviewed, theoretical and experimental frontier research papers as well as significant review articles of more general interest to earth scientists. The journal features articles dealing with observations, patterns, processes, and modeling of both innerspheres (including deep crust, mantle, and core) and outerspheres (including atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere) of the earth. Its aim is to promote communication and share knowledge among the international earth science communities....

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