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Biological Journals, Publisher, Abbreviations

Trends in biotechnology

Trends in Biotechnology publishes reviews and perspectives on the applied biological sciences: useful science applied to, derived from, or inspired by living systems. The major themes that TIBTECH is interested in include Bioprocessing (biochemical engineering, applied enzymology, industrial biotechnology, biofuels, metabolic engineering) Omics (genome editing, single-cell technologies, bioinformatics, synthetic biology) Materials and devices (bionanotechnology, biomaterials, diagnostics/imaging/detection, soft robotics, biosensors/bioelectronics) Therapeutics (biofabrication, stem cells, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, antibodies and other protein drugs, drug delive...

Pharmaceutical technology in hospital pharmacy

Pharmaceutical Technology in Hospital Pharmacy (PTHP) is an international journal dedicated to all aspects of pharmaceutical technology in hospitals. This includes pharmaceutical compounding procedure with sterile or non-sterile drug products (chemotherapies, CIVAS, capsules, gels, topical formulations, colloidal carriers, emulsions, eye drops and else), radiopharmaceuticals, sterilization techniques, analytical and biological procedures (stability studies, quality control), monitoring and validation of materials, techniques and environment. It also includes the determination of medical-device performances using technical experiments or modelization. The journal will particularly welcome new pharmaceutic...

Pharmacy and pharmacology international journal

Pharmacy & Pharmacology International Journal (PPIJ) is an internationally acclaimed open access peer reviewed journal covering all aspects of pharmacy and pharmacology with focus on the mechanism of action of chemicals in biological systems. New research on how drug action may be optimized by new technologies and attention is given to understanding and improving drug interactions in the body. At the same time, the journal maintains its established and well-respected core strengths in areas such as pharmaceutics and drug delivery, experimental and clinical pharmacology, biopharmaceutics and drug disposition, and drugs from natural sources. PPIJ is delighted to accept research papers, review articles,...

International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences

The international journal of Pharma and Biosciences (IJPBS) is an online peer reviewed journal in English published quarterly. The journal aims to publish novel research and review articles in the field of Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences to reinforce the advancement of these areas which is not limited to: drug discovery, development, preformulation studies, drug delivery and targeting. The research also involved for applying scientific knowledge to enhance healthiness of human progress including biotechnology products like genes, proteins vaccines which comprises all fundamental aspects of basic biological sciences. The concept of research in this field grasps recognition at recent time and inquires attention towa...

Emerging microbes and infections

Emerging Microbes & Infections - As an international peer reviewed journal, the mission of Emerging Microbes & Infections (EMI) is to provide a new integrated forum to allow for the timely dissemination of large amount of information gathered about microbes and infections, especially ones associated with increasing biological and clinical significance and pathogenic frequency. The sheer volume and complexity of such information has gone beyond the scale and scope of existing specialty journals, and thus EMI is committed to bridging the gap between scientific communities in developed and developing countries where most of the emerging microbes and infections have occurred in recent years. ...

Asian Journal of Chemistry

Asian Journal of Chemistry, a Multidisciplinary Chemistry Journal is an Peer Reviewed   International Journal and publishes from India. The journal has been established since   January 1989 on a firm foundation of International Quality Research. This Journal encompasses all branches of chemistry and its sub – disciplines like Pharmaceutical,  Biological activities of Synthetic Drugs, Environmental Chemistry, Biochemistry,  Polymer Chemistry, Petroleum Chemistry, and Agricultural Chemistry, etc. All papers are peer-reviewed and newly selected panels of international referees have been appointed to ensure that review is done rapidly and to the highest standards. Special topics ...

Annals of Dental Science and Oral Biology

Annals of Dental Science and Oral Biology is an scholarly, peer reviewed journal that aims to publish most comprehensive and reliable information in all the disciplines of clinical and translational research in dental science and oral biology. It creates a gateway to authors to make their contribution towards this journal. This journal covers wide range of topics related to Dental Science, periodontology, orthodontics, oral and maxillofacial surgery, Forensic odontology, Oral Biology, oral medicine, Dental implants, etc. This Journal uses double blinded peer review process and publish high quality articles under different categories including original research articles, review articles, case reports, ...

Journal of dentistry and oral biology

Journal of Dentistry and Oral biology (ISSN 2475-5680) is an international, open access, peer reviewed journal committed to publish novel and high quality papers on all aspects of dental and oral biology. This is a multidisciplinary journal which aims to provide the updates in scientific knowledge from the fields of dentistry and oral biologyand also their advances in research, clinical aspects and preventive studies. The journal wants to set a platform where open exchange of information and knowledge integrating academic and clinical perspectives among the researchers, dental assistants, dental hygienists, dental technicians, and dental therapists, practitioners, academicians and other health ca...

Journal of oral biology and craniofacial research

Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research (JOBCR)is the official journal of the Craniofacial Research Foundation (CRF). The journal aims to provide a common platform for both clinical and translational research and to promote interdisciplinary sciences in craniofacial region. JOBCR publishes content that includes diseases, injuries and defects in the head, neck, face, jaws and the hard and soft tissues of the mouth and jaws and face region; diagnosis and medical management of diseases specific to the orofacial tissues and of oral manifestations of systemic diseases; studies on identifying populations at risk of oral disease or in need of specific care, and comparing regional, environmental, social, and ...

Journal of oral biosciences

The Journal of Oral Biosciences (JOB) is the official journal of the Japanese Association for Oral Biology, and is published quarterly in addition to a supplementary issue for the Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association for Oral Biology. The Journal is an interdisciplinary journal, devoted to the advancement and dissemination of fundamental knowledge concerning every aspect of oral biosciences including cariology research, craniofacial biology, dental materials, implant biology, geriatric oral biology, microbiology/immunology and infection control, mineralized tissue, neuroscience, oral oncology, periodontal research, pharmacology, pulp biology, salivary research, and other fields. ...

Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Biological Sciences

Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences - the mission of Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences (An international peer-reviewed biannually journal) is to provide its readers with up-to-date information relevant to pharmaceutical and biological sciences. The journal policy is to publish work deemed by peer reviewers to be a coherent and sound addition to scientific knowledge and to put less emphasis on interest levels, provided that the research constitutes a useful contribution to the field. Article Type: The journal publishes original research papers, review articles,  case studies/report/series and short communications in all aspects of ph...

Advanced Science Letters

Advanced Science Letters is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal with a very wide-ranging coverage, consolidates fundamental and applied research activities by publishing proceedings from international scientific, technical and medical conferences in all areas of Physical Sciences, Engineering, Biological Sciences/Health Sciences, Medicine, Computer and Information Sciences, Mathematical Sciences, Agriculture Science and Engineering, Geosciences, and Energy/Fuels/Environmental / Green Science and Engineering, and Education, Social Sciences and Public Policies. This journal does not p...

Annals of microbiology

The aim of Annals of Microbiology is the advancement and dissemination of microbiological knowledge in the general, environmental, ecological (e.g. water, soil ecosystems, cultural heritage sites) and applied (e.g. food and industrial) fields. The methodology is usually derived from the areas of biochemistry, molecular biology, physiology, biotechnology, and taxonomy. Papers reporting work on bacteria, fungi, microalgae, and bacteriophages are welcome. The journal addresses researchers from both, academia and industry, working in microbiology, biotechnology or ecology. Annals of Microbiology publishes Original Articles, Reviews and Mini-Reviews, Short Communications, and Editorials.  The journal’s sc...

Emerging Microbes and Infections

Emerging Microbes and Infections - As an international peer-reviewed journal, the mission of Emerging Microbes & Infections (EMI) is to provide a new integrated forum to allow for the timely dissemination of a large amount of information gathered about microbes and infections, especially ones associated with increasing biological and clinical significance and pathogenic frequency. The sheer volume and complexity of such information have gone beyond the scale and scope of existing specialty journals, and thus EMI is committed to bridging the gap between scientific communities in developed and developing countries where most of the emerging microbes and infections have occurred in recent years. EMI wil...


Biochemistry provides an international forum for publishing exceptional, rigorous, high-impact research across all of biological chemistry. This broad scope includes studies on the chemical, physical, mechanistic, and/or structural basis of biological or cell function, and encompasses the fields of chemical biology, synthetic biology, disease biology, cell biology, nucleic acid biology, neuroscience, structural biology, and biophysics. In addition to traditional Research Articles, Biochemistry also publishes Communications, Viewpoints, and Perspectives, as well as From the Bench articles that report new methods of particular interest to the biological chemistry community.   Abst...

Nature reviews rheumatology

Nature reviews Rheumatology - Nature Reviews' basic, translational and clinical content is written by internationally renowned basic and clinical academics and researchers and targeted towards readers in the biological and medical sciences, from postgraduate level upwards. While intended to be read by practicing doctors, researchers, and academics within a specialty, we aim to make all our articles accessible to readers working in any biological or medical discipline. In-depth Reviews present authoritative, up-to-date information on a topic, placing it in the context of a field's history and development. Consensus Statements provide evidence-based or eminence-based recommendations and present a balanced...

Journal of neuroscience

Journal of neuroscience - JNeurosci is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes papers on a broad range of topics of general interest to those working on the nervous system. JNeurosci and eNeuro are SfN journals with complementary scopes. Papers that describe a novel method that has not yet been used to make neurobiological insights, new observations that do not yet have mechanistic underpinnings, non-replications and replications of published studies, and brief reports are all within the scope of eNeuro. Thus good manuscripts of this type are likely to be suggested for transfer without review, if they are submitted to JNeurosci. The Journal of Neuroscience was first published on January 1, 1981, un...

Indian journal of microbiology

Indian Journal of Microbiology journal is the official publication of the Association of Microbiologists of India. It publishes full-length papers, short communication reviews, and mini-reviews on all aspects of microbiological research. Areas of special interest in the journal include agricultural, food, environmental, industrial, medical, pharmaceutical, veterinary, and molecular microbiology. The official publication of the Association of Microbiologists of India Publishes full-length papers, short communication reviews, and mini-reviews on all aspects of microbiological research   Abstracted and indexed in AGRICOLA BIOSIS

Journal of biological chemistry

The Journal of Biological Chemistry welcomes high-quality science that seeks to elucidate the molecular and cellular basis of biological processes. Papers published in JBC can therefore fall under the umbrellas of not only biological chemistry, chemical biology, or biochemistry, but also allied disciplines such as biophysics, systems biology, RNA biology, immunology, microbiology, neurobiology, epigenetics, computational biology, ’omics, and many more. The outcome of our focus on papers that contribute novel and important mechanistic insights, rather than on a particular topic area, is that JBC is truly a melting pot for scientists across disciplines. In addition, JBC welcomes papers that describe methods that will help scientists ...

International Journal of Biological Macromolecules

International Journal of Biological Macromolecules is an established international journal of research into chemical and biological aspects of all-natural macromolecules. It presents the latest findings of studies on the molecular structure and properties of proteins, macromolecular carbohydrates, glycoproteins, proteoglycans, lignins, biological poly-acids, and nucleic acids. These findings must be new and novel rather than a repeat of earlier or analogous published work. The scope includes biological activities and interactions, molecular associations, chemical and biological modifications, and functional properties. Papers on related model systems, structural conformational studies, theoretical developments ...

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