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AIMS Press

AIMS Press Journals, Publisher, Abbreviations

AIMS microbiology

AIMS Microbiology (ISSN - 2471-1888) is an international Open Access journal devoted to publishing peer-reviewed, high quality, original papers in the field of microbiology. We publish the following article types: Original research articles, Reviews, Editorials, Letters, and conference reports.   AIMS Microbology welcomes, but not limited to, the papers from the following topics: Microbial Resources Microbial Genomics Mycology Physiology and Metabolism of Microbial Agricultural Microbiology and Biotechnology Pathogenic Microorganisms and Immunology

Pakistan journal of life and social sciences

Pakistan Journal of Life and Social Sciences (PJLSS) is published twice a year by The Elite Scientific Forum, Pakistan. Its scope is broad and international, covering a range of research areas including: Biology, Medicine, Agriculture, Environment, Public health and Allied Sciences. The material submitted should fall in the categories of Original articles, Short communications, Research notes, Case reports and Review articles.   Abstract & indexing Agricultural Economics Database  Plant Protection Database Agricultural Engineering Abstracts Postharvest News and Information Agroforestry Abstracts...

AIMS Molecular Science

AIMS Molecular science is an international Open Access journal devoted to publishing peer-reviewed, high quality, original papers in the field of Molecular science. AIMS Molecular Science publishes the following article types: Original research articles, Reviews, Editorials, Letters, and conference reports.   AIMS Molecular science welcomes, but not limited to, the papers from the following topics: Molecular biology Molecular biophysics Molecular epidemiology Molecular genetics Molecular microbiology Molecular nanotechnology...

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