scopus journals list

List of Southern Rural Sociological Association JournalsSouthern Rural Sociological Association Journals

1) Journal of rural social sciences

Publisher southern Rural Sociological Association

The Journal of Rural Social Sciences (JRSS) disseminates research on rural issues inclusive of a broad range of disciplines, theoretical perspectives, and research methodologies. JRSS is refereed and published in open access online format. The Journal of Rural Social Sciences (JRSS), formerly Southern Rural Sociology (SRS), is designed to disseminate research on rural issues inclusive of a broad range of disciplines, theoretical perspectives, and research methodologies. JRSS is refereed and published in open access online format. JRSS is international and interdisciplinary in scope and content. JRSS welcomes original submissions from disciplines and specialty areas including, but not limited to: Rural Sociology; Agr...

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