wos journals list

United Kingdom Social sciences Journals ListUnited Kingdom Social sciences Journals List

Social sciences Journals List of United Kingdom

1) Asian Association of Open Universities Journal

Publisher Emerald Publishing Limited

Asian Association of Open Universities Journal - AAOU Journal is the official journal of the Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU). The journal is an international peer-reviewed journal published twice a year. It welcomes high-quality papers on topics of Open and Distance Education (ODE). Papers submitted to the journal may be an empirical study, case study or critical literature review. It should bring readers new information, knowledge, evaluations of theories or best practices of ODE. AAOUJ publishes 2 issues per annum.   The aims of the journal are: To provide a forum for academics and scholars to share their research and expertise in the field of ODE

2) American Journal of Business

Publisher Emerald Publishing Limited

The American Journal of Business (AJB) is a journal dedicated to publishing theoretical, conceptual, applied and fundamental research in the business fields.  Our goal is to provide readers with valuable articles that inform business practice. AJB provides researchers with an avenue to make significant contributions to key issues in business. The journal encourages ground-breaking submissions that lay the foundation for continued investigations.   In addition, the AJB provides researchers with opportunities to tie current trends in business, research and practice together through rigorous research methodologies. In-depth perspectives are offered by leading business professionals and by business school dean...

3) American Journal of Cultural Sociology

Publisher Palgrave Macmillan

American Journal of Cultural Sociology - From modernity's onset, social theorists have been announcing the death of meaning, at the hands of market forces, impersonal power, scientific expertise, and the pervasive forces of rationalization and industrialization. Yet, cultural structures and processes have proved surprisingly resilient. Relatively autonomous patterns of meaning - sweeping narratives and dividing codes, redolent if elusive symbols, fervent demands for purity and cringing fears of pollution - continue to exert extraordinary effects on action and institutions. They affect structures of inequality, racism and marginality, gender and sexuality, crime and punishment, social movements, market success and citizen incorporat...

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