scopus journals list

India Mathematical Sciences Journals ListIndia Mathematical Sciences Journals List

Mathematical Sciences Journals List of India

1) Albanian Journal of Mathematics

Publisher Oakland University

Albanian Journal of Mathematics (ISSN: 1930-1235) was founded in 2007 with the idea to support mathematical research in Albania and abroad. Albanian J. Math. is an international journal publishing high-quality, original research papers in a wide spectrum of pure and applied mathematics. The prestigious interdisciplinary editorial board reflects the diversity of subjects covered in this journal, including algebra, group theory, number theory, analysis, functional analysis, ergodic theory, algebraic topology, geometry, combinatorics, theoretical computer science, mathematical physics, applied mathematics. Throughout its existence, the journal has not charged any fees to the authors and has always been a free open access journal. The j...

2) Arabian Journal of Mathematics

Publisher Springer

The Arabian Journal of Mathematics is a quarterly, peer-reviewed open-access journal published under the SpringerOpen brand, covering all mainstream branches of pure and applied mathematics. Owned by King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, AJM publishes carefully refereed research papers in all main-stream branches of pure and applied mathematics. Survey papers may be submitted for publication by invitation only. To be published in AJM, a paper should be a significant contribution to the mathematics literature, well-written, and of interest to a wide audience. All manuscripts will undergo a strict refereeing process; acceptance for publication is based on two positive reviews from experts in the fi...

3) Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences

Publisher Elsevier Publication

The Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences is the official science journal of the Saudi Association for Mathematical Sciences. It is dedicated to the publication of original and expository papers in pure and applied mathematics and is reviewed and edited by an international group of scholars. The journal is published by King Saud University in collaboration with Elsevier. Production and Hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University Peer Review under the responsibility of King Saud University The Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences will accept submissions in the mainstream areas of pure and applied mathematics, including algebra, analysis, geometry, differential equations, and discr...

Note : This all mathematical Sciences journals are not from india

See also for mathematical Sciences Journals

List of mathematical Sciences journals
Indian mathematical Sciences journals list
United states - US mathematical Sciences journals list
United kingdom mathematical Sciences journals list
ugc care approved journals list
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