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List of Immunology And Microbiology JournalsList of Immunology And Microbiology Journals

Immunology And Microbiology Journals List

1) Cell Host and Microbe

Publisher Cell Press

Cell Host & Microbe was launched in March 2007. The journal's mission is to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and concepts between scientists studying the microbe with those studying the host immune, cell biological, and molecular response upon colonization or infection by a microbe. Cell Host & Microbe will publish novel findings related to microbes (which includes bacteria, fungi, parasites, and viruses) from molecular and cellular biology to translational studies with particular emphasis on the interface between the microbe and its host (vertebrate, invertebrate, or plant; unicellular or multicellular). The unifying theme is the integrated study of microbes (pathogenic, non-pathogenic, and commensal) in conjun...

2) Journal of Parasitic Diseases

Publisher Springer

The primary constituency of the Journal of Parasitic Diseases is parasitology. It publishes original research papers (pure, applied and clinical), which contribute significantly to any area of parasitology. Research papers on various aspects of cellular and molecular parasitology are welcome....

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